St Boniface Sketch

Our History

St Boniface Picture

Our church is named after St. Boniface, “the Apostle of Germany” their patron saint. Though born in England in 673-680, he spent half his life uniting and Christianizing all the tribes of Germany. At age 49 he was consecrated Bishop of Maintz and named “Boniface” in honour of an earlier saint by Pope Gregory II. He was buried in the centre of Germany at Fuldan Abbey, where his Bible and remains are still preserved today.

Feastday: June 5
Patron of brewers; Fulda; Germany; World Youth Day
Birth: 675
Death: 754
Saint Boniface Parish was established by His Eminence James Cardinal McGuigan on July 2, 1955. The first Mass was celebrated in St. Theresa’s School on July 17, 1955. The second Mass was said on August 14, 1955 at George P. Mackie Public School because of its’ central location.

Cardinal McGuigan



Construction of the church began in July 1956 and was completed in 1957. The official opening and solemn blessing of the church was celebrated by Cardinal McGuigan on Sunday October 13, 1957.

Building Style The church has a traditional longitudinal plan, detailed simply in the manner typical of James Haffa.




Courtesy of Fr. Gregory Ace who was ordained at St. Boniface in June 1974 shared with us a set of priceless photographs.  God's blessing on this Golden Anniverary of Fr. Ace's priestly ordination!

Click on the photo for additional pictures.

St. Boniface 1974

St. Boniface Parish Clergy


Fr. Roy John Samuel Monaghan
Pastor July 1955 to December 1961

Fr. Joseph Kenneth Morley Robitaille
Associate Pastor September 1958 to June 1961

Fr. Glen Francis Sullivan
Associate Pastor June 1959 to August 1961

Fr. Harry Edward Ives
Associate Pastor September 1961 to June 1962

Fr. Thomas Llewellyn Healy
Pastor January 1962 to September 1975

Fr. Hugh Edward Patrick Manley
Associate Pastor June 1962 to June 1966

Fr. George Sebastian Galea
Seminarian Assistant June 1965 to August 1965

Fr. Joseph Aloysius Nolan
Associate Pastor February 1966 to June 1967

Fr. Joseph Thomas Michel Benoit Jobin
Associate Pastor June 1966 to June 1967

Fr. Cyril Martin Robitaille
Associate Pastor June 1967 to February 1968

Fr. Edgar Allen Arbour
Associate Pastor February 1968 to March 1968

Fr. Paul Joseph John Giroux
Associate Pastor June 1968 to June 1970

Fr. Michael Thomas Gavin
Associate Pastor June 1970 to August 1970

Fr. Donald Joseph McIsaac
Associate Pastor August 1970 to September 1971

Fr. John Anthony Michael O’Donnell
Associate Pastor December 1970 to June 1973

Fr. Lloyd Gregory Ace
Seminarian Assistant May 1972 to August 1972

Fr. John Gerald Hawkshaw, S.F.M.
Associate Pastor June 1973 to February 1974

Fr. (Richard) Peter Livingston Mason
Associate Pastor February 1974

Fr. Lloyd Gregory Ace
Associate Pastor September 1974 to September 1977

Fr. Ronald Anthony Joseph Krafchik
Pastor September 1975 to June 1982

Fr. Joseph David Kelly
Associate Pastor September 1977 to June 1982

Fr. Marian Koziel
Associate Pastor June 1981 to September 1986

Fr. Thomas Joseph Day
Pastor June 1982 to June 1987

Fr. Peter Toth, S.F.M.
Associate Pastor September 1986 to November 1987

Fr. Joseph M. Sultana
Pastor June 1987 – October 1993

Fr. Joseph Henry Abela
Associate Pastor November 1987 to July 1988

Fr. Daniel Palillo
Associate Pastor July 1988 to July 1991

Fr. Philip David Jones
Associate Pastor July 1991 –

Fr. Adelbert Zarate
Seminarian Assistant December 1991

Fr. John Joseph Pilkauskas
Pastor October 1993 to June 2007

Fr. John M. Duffy
Associate Pastor July 1995 to July 1997

Fr. Alberto Macalipay
Associate Pastor July 1997 to July 1998

Fr. Florentine A. Rajaratnam, I.V.D.
Associate Pastor July 1998 to June 2002

Fr. Edward R. McGovern.
Associate Pastor July 2002 to June 2006

Fr. Dominic Quyen Bui
Associate Pastor June 2004 to June 2006

Fr. Roselle Ricafrente Azares
Associate Pastor July 2006 to June 2009

Fr. Thomas Lim
Seminarian Assistant September 2006 to July 2007

Fr. Bernard Vellozo
Pastor June 2007 to July 2013

Fr. Salvador Orara, S.J.
Associate Pastor July 2009 to July 2010

Fr. Mary Louis Montfort Marianayagam
Associate Pastor July 2010 to July 2013

Fr. Bernard Lee
Pastor July 2013 to December 2015

Fr. Fabian Ihunegbo
Associate Pastor July 2013

Fr. Mark Robson
Pastor January 2016 to August 2020

Fr. Neiman D’Souza
Associate Pastor August 2020 to December 2020

Savio Bruto da Costa
Seminarian Assistant September 2021 - July 31, 2022

Rev. Sherwin Holandez, in residence January 2021
Assigned as Associate Pastor June 30 2021 - October 1, 2023

Fr. Peter Marr
Pastor August 2020 - June 2024


Rev. Alexander Osei, CSSp
Pastor June 2024

Fr. Percy Acquah, CSSp
Associate Pastor October 1, 2023